Dear Ms. Schiesser,
I have been doing a little legal research and I have reason to believe that my usage of your product is considered fair use and therefore, is protected from claims by your company under the fair use doctrine, which is codified in Title 17 U.S.C. § 107. I believe that my videos are a "parody" of both the video game I am playing and the beanies I used (which would only be those two). I base my assumption on the US Supreme Court's current definition of the word "parody". Since I don't wish to cause anymore fuss, please give me a reason as to why you would not let me use your products and why it would not be fair use. As before, I will wait 1 week then I will continue using them. That also happens to be the day you told me to stop using the beanies. This will be my last e-mail bothering Ty about this issue.
-Alec Edwards
Let'see what will happen. See ya later frends!
Let'see what will happen. See ya later frends!